Latina of Influence | Norma Guerrero

Norma Guerrero is a 2015 Latina of Influence named by Hispanic Lifestyle. Ms. Guerrero is being recognized for her entrepreneurial spirit and personal commitment to educate the immigrate community. Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2015 Latinas of Influence will be recognizing Ms. Guerrero and her fellow Latinas of Influence during a luncheon held in their honor on at Latina Conference 2015.
Norma Guerrero is originally from Chihuahua Mexico and came to the United States in April 1987 at an early age without her parents. In her mind she was determined to work, study, and learn anything that would help her grown in this country to achieve her dreams. In her early struggle she realized the difficulties that immigrants face in a new country and that is where and when her mission began assisting the Hispanic community and their struggles. At the age of 17 years old she started her social work helping her community in the area of taxes. With the assistance of her priest where she was a member and part of the choir she began her journey. Seeing the need of many people who did not have the financial means or resources to obtain help to do their taxes, she would pull a desk, a chair and would sit outside the church and would start doing the taxes for people at no cost. Her personality, charisma, compassion and way of treating people and her search for always looking for alternatives to better serve her family, as she calls all of her community, began the path to her incredible journey.
She shortly after that quit her job, asked her boyfriend at the time, now her husband, to lease a small office for her because she was not old enough to sign the lease herself and Casa Hispana Inc. was founded. She has been in the same location for over 20 years now in the city of Fontana where she now proudly owns the entire building where she once just leased a small space. Case Hispana has three locations, the main office which is located in Fontana, La Puente and Victorville. Her business now also offers a variety of services to her community such as; taxes, accounting, immigration, civil matters, real estate, and mortgage loans, insurance, as well as always focusing on educating her clients. Her database consist of about 10,500 returning and active clients and on a yearly basis her offices assist about 13,500 clients in all areas of the business. About 90% of her client base is of Hispanic descent. Norma has open the doors to many people in many different ways, from serving and changing the lives of her clients, to opening job opportunities to all of the people that work with her at her office. The quality of services that is given to clients at Casa Hispana Inc. is incredible and it has been the foundation to a growing business by referral all the time.
Norma is also the founder of Mision Hispana which is a nonprofit organization that assists immigrants by providing financial means to help them assure their legal status gets resolved and it doesn’t get lost due to lack of funds. This way many great people can also have the opportunity to live a better life here in the US and contribute back to our community as well. The organization is also working with Mexican senators and government in a way where they will also contribute funds to the organization to assist people that do qualify and need the service and all around it becomes a way of improving our economy by having the same people contribute all around.
Her dedication to greatness is not just with her community which she loves but she also has a beautiful family, her husband Adolfo Oseguera who has been by her side all the way since day one. Her three beautiful boys, they live by example, God, faith, partnership and love for each other. They have traveled a life of sacrifice, commitment, understanding and support for each other but always together through the good and the tough. She truly is a woman that has learned how to balance her life. They are walking this journey together for the mission that began a long time ago to make a difference.
Norma is a true leader, an example as a woman, a human being, and an inspiration to others. To truly be and have become the American dream by serving others, now that’s truly the path to success. Her model is dedication, love, and some sacrifice all goals and dreams are possible without ever losing your sense of life, faith, love and humanity.
Norma is a true visionary and mentor. Currently, Norma assists other Latinas with their businesses by offering advice, mentorship, and collaborative opportunities.
We are proud to say Norma is an amazing leader, example, as a friend, as a wife, as a mother, a sister, cousin and a boss lady. Her open heart to all and her community in general are far non a true blessing to many.