Event | 19th Annual Legislative Summit May 21

The California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, the premier organization promoting the development of Hispanic entrepreneurs and emerging Latino businesses in California, will hold its 19th Annual Legislative Summit on May 21 in Sacramento.
The day will feature presentations by elected officials and policy leaders and an opportunity for Latino business leaders to talk directly with legislators and their staffs about policy issues that impact Latino businesses. The event begins at 10 a.m. at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento.
“This is a great opportunity for business owners and local leaders to interact with legislators about issues that are critical to their businesses and their communities,” said Mark Martinez, President and CEO of the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. “While our organization advocates for Latino businesses every day, it is important that legislators hear the personal stories of Latino business owners as they consider laws that will impact all of us.”
Among the Chamber’s top state legislative priorities this year:
Advocating for a comprehensive state economic development plan to promote an innovation economy, including encouraging research and development and eliminating the sales tax on new manufacturing equipment. (AB 653)
Preserving key aspects of the enterprise zone program to protect important jobs that have been created in economically distressed parts of the state.
Ensuring that the state implementation of health care reform doesn’t create overly burdensome requirements for businesses.
“California has a long history of leading innovation for our country and the world,” said James Duran, Chair of the Chamber’s Legislative Committee. “The CHCC is working to ensure that our state’s policies encourage innovation and job growth. We are very supportive of Assembly Bill 653 and believe it will provide critical assistance to our economy and maintain California’s leadership role in creating new innovative products.”
Duran added that the Chamber is actively working to ensure that the state maintains its commitment to enterprise zones, which were created to encourage investment in economically distressed parts of the state.
“While some adjustments may be needed, it’s imperative that we continue to encourage businesses to remain in these economically fragile areas,” Duran said. “Many businesses have made significant investments in enterprise zone. We need to maintain a structure that rewards those that have taken a chance on California’s most economically disadvantaged areas.”
The Chamber is also actively opposing a number of proposals, including one to create a new tax on sweetened beverages and one that would increase the cost of worker’s compensation. To follow legislation being tracked by the Chamber, please click on the following link:
2013 CHCC Legislation – Bill Tracking List: Click Here
The Legislative Summit will begin at 10 a.m. and end with a reception at 5:30 p.m. To register, please visit www.cahcc.com or call (916) 444-2221.