Hispanic University Offers NSF STEM Scholarships

The National Hispanic University Offers NSF STEM Scholarships for Promising Students in Math and Science Fields
Historically, Hispanic students have been underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, earning just 7% of STEM-related bachelor’s degrees and 4% of the master’s degrees in 2009–2010, according to National Center for Education Statistics data. To encourage more Hispanic students to enter STEM fields, The National Hispanic University has announced that up to 12 National Science Foundation (NSF) scholarships will be available in the fall to promising students in these fields to help them earn a two-year degree at the university.
“The National Hispanic University is committed to increasing the numbers of Hispanics and other underrepresented students in the math and science fields,” said Cynthia Wambsgans, program director of the university’s Mathematics and Science department. “We have developed a STEM program that provides students with individualized attention in classes that are generally less than 20 students. We have found that this kind of program allows students to make significant strides in their academic studies and in reaching their career goals.”
Since the fall of 2010, more than 20 students have benefited from the NSF scholarships, which help cover college costs as long as the students maintain a 2.5 GPA as math, science or computer science majors, in addition to other eligibility requirements.
Qualified students who have completed their associate degree at The National Hispanic University may seek a transfer to nearby San Jose State University (SJSU), which has an articulation agreement with the university, or pursue other transfer options. The articulation agreement with SJSU allows for seamless transfers to science, math or engineering programs for students who want to earn their bachelor’s degree.
For more information about the eligibility requirements and application procedure for STEM scholarships, please visit www.NHU.edu/STEM.
About The National Hispanic University
For 30 years, The National Hispanic University has provided Hispanic students and others with access to quality higher education. The university offers a diverse portfolio of online and campus-based undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs in business, teacher education, child development and computer science. Students are supported in a multicultural and collaborative learning environment that is based on Familia™, a personalized approach which fosters students’ success through mutual respect and cultura. The National Hispanic University, a member of the Laureate International Universities Network, is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). For more information, visit www.NHU.edu.