Updated Obama in Afghanistan

President Barack Obama arrives in Afghanistan
Hispanic Lifestyle is updating you on the reports coming out of Afghanistan.
Excerpts of the President’s Address to the Nation from Afghanistan
As Prepared for Delivery –
“Already, nearly half the Afghan people live in places where Afghan Security Forces are moving into the lead. This month, at a NATO Summit in Chicago, our coalition will set a goal for Afghan forces to be in the lead for combat operations across the country next year. International troops will continue to train, advise and assist the Afghans, and fight alongside them when needed. But we will shift into a support role as Afghans step forward.
As we do, our troops will be coming home. Last year, we removed 10,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Another 23,000 will leave by the end of the summer. After that, reductions will continue at a steady pace, with more of our troops coming home. And as our coalition agreed, by the end of 2014 the Afghans will be fully responsible for the security of their country.”
“My fellow Americans, we have traveled through more than a decade under the dark cloud of war. Yet here, in the pre-dawn darkness of Afghanistan, we can see the light of a new day on the horizon. The Iraq War is over. The number of our troops in harm’s way has been cut in half, and more will be coming home soon. We have a clear path to fulfill our mission in Afghanistan, while delivering justice to al Qaeda.
This future is only within reach because of our men and women in uniform. Time and again, they have answered the call to serve in distant and dangerous places. In an age when so many institutions have come up short, these Americans stood tall. They met their responsibilities to one another, and the flag they serve under. I just met with some of them, and told them that as Commander-in-Chief, I could not be prouder. In their faces, we see what is best in ourselves and our country.”
“As we emerge from a decade of conflict abroad and economic crisis at home, it is time to renew America. An America where our children live free from fear, and have the skills to claim their dreams. A united America of grit and resilience, where sunlight glistens off soaring new towers in downtown Manhattan, and we build our future as one people, as one nation.”
“This time of war began in Afghanistan, and this is where it will end.”
Pool report no 4
Kabul pres palace obama karzai ink deal
May 1-2, 2012
Obama and Karzai just signed the Strategic partnership agreement in front of Afghan and Us flags. Took place just after midnight local time
Obama called it “a historic moment for our two nations.”
Obama: “I’m here to affirm the bond between our two countries and to thank Americans and Afghans who have sacrificed so much over these last ten years.”
More potus: “Neither americans nor the afghan people asked for this war yet for a decade we’ve stood together. Today with the signing of the strategic partnership agreement we look forward to a future of peace. Today we’re agreeing to be long term partners.”
Potus: “With this agreement the Afghan people and the world should know that Afghanistan has a partner in the United States….mr president there will be difficult days ahead….as we move forward I’m confident afghan forces will grow stronger and the afghan people will take control of their future….”
There were warm handshakes all around. The reportedly mercurial Karzai seemed to be in an ebullient mood and offered profuse thanks to negotiators on the agreement, including Amb Crocker and Gen. Allen.
Several minutes was spent initialing and signing
“I’m including the dates as well, please bear with me,” Karzai said to Obama in English.
Obama also gave another hearty handshake and said, “thank you my friend,” to Karzai
Senators Reed and Levin were present. Levin called the agreement “a significant step forward for the United States and our national security.”
Josh Gerstein
Pool report no 3 – more Obama afghanistan background
Pool report no 3
Presidential palace and prior, background
May 1-2, 2012
Karzai and Obama are expected to deliver statements at the Presidential Palace shortly. But there are no plans for a pool spray of their bilateral meeting or for the pair to field questions, WH officials said.
Senior administration officials said the timing of the trip was driven by the negotiations over the Strategic Partnership Agreement and by the desire of both presidents to sign the agreement in Afghanistan prior to the NATO summit in Chicago later this month. However, the officials also acknowledged that the timing coincides with the first anniversary of the US raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
Obama is–is expected to mention the bin Laden raid in the televised address Tuesday evening, officials said.
Before delivering the address, Obama is expected to meet with and make a speech to US troops stationed at Bagram.
Josh Gerstein
Pool report no 2 May 1-2, 2012
More Obama Afghanistan One correction: speech to nation is at 730pm Tuesday eastern in the US, 4 AM wednesday here in Afghanistan. MORE: President Barack Obama arrived in Afghanistan under cover of darkness Tuesday night for a whirlwind trip scheduled to culminate with a live, televised address to the American people delivered from Bagram Air Base outside the Afghan capital, Kabul. Strict security measures are in place, including a White House imposed embargo that prevented journalists in the pool from reporting on Obama’s travel until he arrived at the Presidential Palace at about 11:30 PM local Tuesday night. Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai are expected to sign a ten page strategic partnership agreement pledging US support for Afghanistan for a decade after 2014, when Nato forces are planning to conclude their combat role. The signing ceremony with the two presidents should paint a tableau of solidarity for an Afghan US relationship that has been stormy and at time fractious during the three years of Obama’s presidency. Senior Administration officials said the unconventional timing of events on the trip, such as the scheduled midnight local time signing ceremony, was aimed at allowing Obama to address Americans on a schedule convenient for US television audiences. That speech, expected to run about 10 minutes, is scheduled to take place just after 730 pm ET tuesday, which is 4 AM here in Afghanistan. Of course, the middle of the night schedule also provides the added security of darkness for the arrival and departure of AF1 and flights by helicopter from Bagram to and from a landing zone near the presidential palace. While US officials insist security has improved significantly since the US troop buildup Obama ordered at the end of 2009, there have beena series of troubling incidents in recent months including riots relating to the Qu’ran burning episode, Afghan on US troop violence, and a protracted gun and RPG battle in Kabul’s embassy district just over two weeks ago. More to follow Josh Gerstein POLITICO
Pool report No. 1 May 1-2, 2012
Andrews to Bagram Air Base to Kabul President Barack Obama is in Afghanistan for a whirlwind visit that will culminate in a live, televised address to the American people. Obama is expected to sign a strategic partnership agreement shortly with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Obama’s scheduled to speak to the nation just after 730 PM ET wednesday from Bagram airbase. Pool, which assembled Monday night at Andrews, has been under an embargo preventing reporting of the trip up til now. Obama left at 1209 AM Tuesday morning. And arrived at Bagram at 1020 pm local time. He landed via chopper at LZ near presidential palace at just after 11pm local Amb Ryan crocker and Lieut Gen Mike Scaparotti deputy cddr us forces afghanistan greeted Obama as he deplaned from the lower stairs of AF1 at Bagram. Obama is currently at the presidential palace in Kabul A more detailed report should come shortly as communications permit. Josh Gerstein POLITICO