2016 SoCal Women Owned Business Nominations
We are seeking to profile 20 Southern California Women Owned Businesses. These profiles will be distributed via Hispanic Lifestyle‘s media network online, social media and television.
Selected Businesses will receive;
- A Business Profile on the website inthemarketplace.biz and distributed throughout Hispanic Lifestyle’s media network online, social media and television.
- Two (2) VIP Tickets to our 2016 Southern California Women Business and Wellness Conference November 2, 2016 at the Ontario Airport Hotel and Conference, Ontario, California.
- Nominee must be a Women Owned Business (51% owned) headquartered or have a significant business presence in Southern California.
- Nominee must be able to attend the 2016 Southern California Women Business and Wellness Conference on November 2, 2016 at the Ontario Airport Hotel and Conference, Ontario, California.
- Nominee must provide and submit at least a 500 word company biography, company logo and photo of the business owner.
- Nominee gives permission to Hispanic Lifestyle to use company biography, logo, and photos for distribution via our media network online, social media and television.
- Companies previously recognized by Hispanic Lifestyle are not excluded.
You may self nominate. All nominations must be received by September 14, 2016. Please submit your nominations online to RDS@Hispaniclifestyle.com
Should you have any questions regarding the process or require additional information on how to participate in the 2016 Southern California Women Business and Wellness Conference please call us 951.940.9099 or send your request to RDS@Hispaniclifestyle.com
Hispanic Lifestyle is a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) through the California Public Utilities Commission and a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) through the State of California. MBE# 14110125 SBE#1791437. Hispanic Lifestyle is a two (2) time SBA Award Winner.
Hispanic Lifestyle is an independently produced television program and event producer that promotes positive images of the Latino community. We highlight the achievements of community leaders, organizations, business owners, with segments on health, travel, food and entertainment. Hispanic Lifestyle is broadcasted on PBS and independent television stations. We have produced events throughout California, Denver CO, and Kansas City, KS.