Latina of Influence | Jessica Maes-Zepeda

Advocate, business owner Jessica Maes-Zepeda is one of Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2014 Latinas of Influence. Follow all of our 2014 Latinas of Influence on twitter with the tag #HLTVLC14
Born on the 4th of July, in Los Angeles, California; Jessica Maes-Zepeda was raised in the Southeast Los Angeles Area. She studied in local parochial schools then attended college where she decided to peruse a career in Real Estate.
In 1978 she joined the Downey Board of Realtors, where as a broker she served as Vice President. Jessica went on to serve as President for the Women’s Council of Realtors, and became a director of the California Association of Realtors.
Our entire list of Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2014 Latinas of Influence are invited to participate in our Latina Conference scheduled for April 2, 2014.Political
Jessica became community minded and in 1994 was elected as council member for the city Huntington Park. In June of 1997, due to her accomplishments on the council, she made history as the first Woman to hold the position of Mayor for the city. She remained on the council until retiring from politics in 2003. In 2004 the City of Huntington Park set a place of honor where they display her portrait, recognizing her for her many accomplishments.
Jessica has a reputation for getting things done; her unique combination of Real Estate, Health Education, Director of Physician Relations, Political and Business owner gave her the ability and experience to serve as the voice for her community and an effective leader.
Current Profession
Currently, she is the Public Relations and Community Affairs Director/Owner, for the her family owned business, El Aviso Magazine. In this capacity, Jessica develops and implements marketing, public relations and promotional programs and events. Her responsibilities include involvement with many chambers of commerce, community based organizations, media relations, education awareness , community outreach and charitable and business partnerships programs.
About El Aviso Magazine
El Aviso Magazine is a Spanish language publication founded in 1988 with a distribution of 325k per week. Today, its rated one of the top Spanish Language Publications in Southern California, serving Los Angeles County from the San Fernando Valley to the Inland empire and Orange County. El Aviso Magazine is considered as one of the most effective print media, serving as the liaison between the business and Spanish speaking communities. El Aviso Magazine employ’s, over 160 persons, and produces 10 magazines that serve over 145 cities in southern California.
Community Involvement
Jessica, along with her husband Jose, believe in helping the less fortunate and most especially the children. Their philosophy is reflected in their business who is involved helping community and faith based organizations. They include: Southeast Rio Vista YMCA, Huntington Park Kiwanis Club, current board member and past president, member of the Southeast Rio Vista Community Corp, Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, the American Cancer Society, active with fundraising for organizations such as the Southeast Relay for Life, Jessica is most proud of the fact that she and her husband co-produced and published an annual magazine “El Aviso Relay for Life” which informs the public on issues regarding cancer awareness . The magazine at the same time, generates revenue, which 100% of the proceeds are donated to the America Cancer Society.
Most Current Events in her Life
Jessica, was recently named as Chairman of the Friends of the Kids YMCA Fundraising Campaign for 2014. She is an active board member for the Rio Hondo Boys & Girls Club of America, she currently serves as vice president and incoming president for 2014.
Awards and Recognition
Jessica has been recognized and has received numerous accolades for her many years of community service. They include recognition from the California Governor’s Office, Congress House Representative’s, State Senators, Assembly Members, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Local City Council members, HSA Human Services Association ,The American Cancer Society and The Huntington Park City Council, just to name a few.
Current Awards include “Women of the Year” from Rio Hondo Boys and Girls Clubs of America 2011, “Woman of the Year”2012 from the Human Services Association, “Mujer Comunitaria from the Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.” Woman of the Year for 2012 from the,Industrial Council Chamber of Commerce, City of Commerce in 2013 . One of her favorites, Jessica was named “Neighborhood Hero”2013 of the Year, from the Gage Middle School 6 th grade class.
Most Proud of the Fact
Jessica and her husband have five Children and seven grandchildren, and spend their time working diligently towards making El Aviso Magazine the success story that it is today.
submitted by Sandy Cajas with the Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce