Elected Officials comment on the Presidents Immigration Policy
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement after the Obama administration announced it will halt deportations of certain undocumented people brought to the United States as children:
“Today’s announcement to stop deporting some young people who were brought into the United States as children is a step in the right direction.
“Every year, thousands of undocumented youngsters graduate from U.S. high schools. Most had no input on entering the United States and some were only months old when they arrived. For many, English is their first language and they have little or no connection to their birth countries. To deport these hard-working young men and women is the wrong choice.
“Only those who meet strict criteria, including no criminal record, will be eligible. This is a responsible, compassionate first step toward addressing immigration reform, and I’m pleased the president is taking action. It’s time Congress follows suit and addresses comprehensive immigration reform.”
Comments from Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
Today the President
made a bold and unprecedented step by ensuring undocumented students brought to the United States at a young age are recognized and able to live and contribute to our country. On a case by case basis, current undocumented students under the age of thirty will be able to request deferred action and obtain work permits, if they meet certain requirements.
“As a supporter of the Dream Act for years, this executive order will have a lasting impact on many young individuals throughout Orange County and our country,” said Sanchez. “As a senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee, I have always worked towards ensuring that ICE and DHS target individuals who pose a threat to our country and community. I am glad the President will continue to apply prosecutorial discretion during deportation proceedings.
“So many young people are not able to graduate and live their lives because they have been in the shadows of our society with the fear of deportation always on their mind. This will now provide those students an opportunity to give back to the community and country they know so well. I look forward to continue working with the President and my colleagues here in Congress to push for a comprehensive approach to immigration reform.”
From California State Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez (D-Los Angeles) released the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s executive order to allow young undocumented immigrants to work in the United States:
“Today’s announcement by the President comes as welcome news to hundreds of thousands of men and women who came to this country as children, who have served in the military, attended our schools, and who have lived their lives as hardworking Americans. This was the right decision, and I applaud the President for his leadership.”