Inspiring Latina | Nely Galán, Entrepreneur

Hispanic Lifestyle spoke with Inspiring Latina Nely Galán about career, education and her future plans. Ms. Galán embarked on her career in entertainment at age 22 when she was named the nation’s youngest station manager for WNJU TV Channel 47 in New York. Owned by Jerry Perenchio and Norman Lear, the station became the launch pad for what is now the Telemundo Network.
In 1992, Galán continued her trajectory, forming “Tropix”, a joint venture with HBO that developed Latino content for cable. Under the “Tropix” umbrella, Galán also served as a consultant to HBO and Time Warner on its Latin strategy in the U.S. and Latin America. In this two-year venture, Galán created multiple shows and helped launch HBO Olé, the cable giant’s Latin American channel.
Fron her website http://www.nelygalan.com/
In her role as public speaker, Galán routinely draws rave reviews for her mesmerizing presentations on the Latino market, entrepreneurship and female empowerment. She is also frequently cited for her influential work outside the industry as a board member for Count Me In (the leading national non-profit provider for women entrepreneurs) and The Smithsonian Institute.
Here is our interview with Ms. Galán that appeared in episode HLTV# 166.